Wood Mold for Concrete BioSand Filters
Solution Overview & Benefits
The Wood Mold is a mold used to make concrete BioSand filters and is a low-cost alternative to traditional steel molds.
Each Wood Mold can produce 50-60 filters depending on the type of wood used and assuming proper care and maintenance.
BioSand Filters (BSFs) are a water purification solution that use sand, gravel, and natural biological processes to filter out contaminants in water, making it safe for drinking. BSFs effectively eliminate cholera, typhoid, E coli, amoebic dysentery, and many additional pathogens that are harmful to humans. They’re a great low-tech clean drinking water solution.
Other features of the Wood Mold include:
- Inexpensive: ($50-80 USD per-mold)
- Lightweight (approx. 60 pounds)
- Locally sourced materials (all materials are purchased in-country and are easily replaced)
- Easy to use (no construction experience or specialized tools required)
- Can be made off-grid.
In order to create the BioSand filter, concrete is poured into the Wood Mold and allowed to cure overnight. The mold form is then removed, leaving the body of the filter, which is the device that households receive in order to purify their water. BioSand Filters (BSFs) use natural biological processes, sand, and gravel to make contaminated water safe for drinking. Water is poured into the top of the filter and as it moves through various layers of the filter, pathogens and harmful bacteria are filtered out. BSFs are an ideal water filtration solution because they are durable, can be made with local materials and are easy to use. One BSF can produce enough clean water to meet a family’s daily drinking water needs.
History & Development
The Wood Mold has undergone testing in both laboratory and field conditions to ensure it produces quality BioSand Filters. It was successfully implemented in Bangladesh, Ecuador and Mali in 2014.
In total, 13 Wood Molds were made in these countries, producing over 250 BioSand Filters. Some of the molds were made using zero electricity and only hand tools. The Wood Mold Construction Manual and Appendix are available for download on the OHorizons website. They are free to download and use. Members of the OHorizons staff are also available to offer technical assistance and consulting.
- Publicly available: yes
- Countries where available: Worldwide
- Price range (USD): Free Available online: yes
- Offered or can be licensed for local manufacture: Yes, plans are free online.
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