About Us

Our Mission

To improve lives in less developed communities worldwide by driving the dissemination of high impact, cost-effective, and sustainable innovations aimed at solving major problems of poverty and climate change.

We Believe In

  • Low-cost technologies can significantly improve lives and also contribute to environmental sustainability.
  • Well-informed end-users are better at identifying appropriate solutions, leading to more effective outcomes than top-down decision-making
  • Lasting change comes from adopting practical, scalable technologies that help communities deal with the challenges posed by climate change and address the root causes of poverty.

Our Approach

Helping people help themselves with practical tech-based solutions

Understanding the specific challenges and circumstances faced by each community is crucial in identifying the right solutions. By conducting comprehensive needs assessments and partnering with local stakeholders, we ensure that the technologies introduced are practical, environmentally beneficial and truly desired by those who need them most.

What We Do

  • Solutions Toolbox: Curating a broad range of technologies tailored to varied developmental challenges.
  • Project Accelerator: Helping communities implement technology solutions that maximize the impact of development initiatives.
  • Farthest Reach Consulting: Offering expert advice to organizations looking to implement technologies effectively.

Our Story

From MIT to the World

Founded in 2009 by two MIT Sloan School of Management alumni, TEL has grown from a vision into a global catalyst for change. By bridging the gap between innovative technologies and urgent needs, we’ve facilitated countless partnerships between investors, local entrepreneurs, and community organizations.

The TEL Team

Karen von Bismarck

Founder & CEO
After studying political science and economics in Munich, Karen worked as an industrial organization instructor and journalist. She subsequently completed a Master's degree in Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management. As a case manager with the Boston Consulting Group she has consulted to international clients in a variety of industries. Volunteering with the St. Boniface Centre de Santi in Haiti, Karen helped out in the medical-surgical clinic and served as board member and CFO. Two school-years spent in Japan resulted in a deep connection to that country. Karen speaks English, German, French and 'yon ti kras' Kreyol.

David Romero

Managing Director
David joined TEL as Managing Director and is a key member of our team leading the TEL initiatives forward. His professional background includes a successful tenure in the private sector, where he excelled in launching international workspaces and achieving business turnarounds. David is deeply passionate about economics, entrepreneurship, and helping others. His academic background is in Economics and Business Management. David is enthusiastic about the synergy of technology, entrepreneurship, innovation, and believes TEL can be that driving force to facilitate positive change in the communities that need it most.

The TEL Advisory Board

Brennan Lake

Advisory Board Member
After graduating from Occidental College in 2009 with a bachelor's degree in Diplomacy and World Affairs, Brennan moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina. There he founded a social enterprise focused on English-language education, and later co-founded a software-as-a-service platform to democratize e-commerce for small businesses in Latin America.

Matthew James Hnatio

Advisory Board Member
Matthew is a specialist in entrepreneurship, product design, and digital technology. He spent over a decade living and working in Southeast Asia, primarily focused on the design and implementation of national and regional SME support programs for development finance institutions and UN agencies. As a pragmatic innovator, he has also developed and negotiated cross-sector partnerships to solve social and economic challenges associated with market failure, scarcity, and climate change. Matthew is enthusiastic about the potential of frontier technologies to spur innovation and solve humanity’s greatest challenges.

Éadaoin Ilten

Advisory Board Member
Éadaoin holds a Ph.D. in Physics from University College Dublin, with an emphasis on advanced solar cell enhancement materials. After deciding to apply her skills and passion in a more direct manner by entering into the nonprofit field, she worked with a communications based NGO in Geneva, Switzerland before joining TEL. Éadaoin believes strongly in the goal of providing access to point-of-use technologies to those on the ground.

Our Partners

We are proud to partner with non-profits, universities, social enterprises and other organizations, including:

Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions, comments or suggestions or to report a problem. The Technology Exchange Lab, Inc. 1 Broadway, 14th Floor Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
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