Raspberry Pi Foundation
Caldecote, Cambridgeshire, , , United Kingdom
Solution Overview & Benefits

The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized single-board computer that connects to any screen and keyboard to become a fully functional PC. With prices ranging from USD $25 to $35 per unit, the Raspberry Pi is a cost effective solution to both put PCs in the hands of children around the world, and to teach them skills in coding and computer science. The Raspberry Pi Model A runs primarily on Linux OS, and has a 256MB hard drive.

History & Development

Originally conceived as a solution to improve the coding and computer skills of school children in the UK, the Raspberry Pi Foundation's vision has broadened to the developing world. Of the 1.2MM devices sold within the products first year on the market (2012), 98% were distributed to consumers within developed countries (Source: http://techcrunch.com/2013/04/12/raspberry-pi-global-sales-spread/)
Nonetheless, tens of thousands of devices have been shipped from the manufacturer to developing countries.
Distributing vendors can be found within the company's website: http://www.raspberrypi.org/faqs


Publicly available: yes Countries where available: Worldwide Price range (USD): 20 to 50 USD Available online: yes Countries where spare parts can be purchased: Worldwide

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