Caktus Consulting Group
Durham, North Carolina, 27701, USA
Solution Overview & Benefits
RapidSMS is a free and open-source framework for dynamic data collection, logistics coordination and communication, and for leveraging basic short message service (SMS) mobile phone technology. It can be used by anyone, and because no two projects are exactly the same, RapidSMS is easily customized to meet the specific needs of the project and is scalable at an enterprise level. RapidSMS is currently being utilized by large multilateral organizations (such as the United Nations), development professionals (such as the Earth Institute at Columbia University), and small NGOs and CBOs (such as Tostan). RapidSMS is written in Python and Django and is a framework for building highly customized applications. While there are increasingly more and more pre-configured applications being created for RapidSMS, most projects will continue to benefit from applications designed specifically to meet the need and demands of their stakeholders.
History & Development
RapidSMS was initially created by UNICEF's Innovation Unit in 2007 to support UNICEF's data collection and youth engagement activities. Developers from Caktus Group, Meraka Institute, Entropy Free LLC, Dimagi, Columbia University's Earth Institute, and ThoughWorks have been major contributors to RapidSMS since the project's inception. UNICEF's Innovation Unit and UNICEF's country offices continue to support development of RapidSMS and related software.
Publicly available: yes Countries where available: Worldwide Price range (USD): Free

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